Business Trip to India

Business Trip in India, Nowadays it is common to see people travelling from one country to another for business. India is a land with wide variety of business opportunities. First of all, make sure that you obtain the right kind of visa prior well in advance of your trip. Americans are required to have visas and India’s Embassy has outsourced routine processing to a local company, If you are going for work, obtain a business visa. A business trip is usually a stressful one because not only one has to adjust to the new climate, food, accommodation etc. but also mind will be fully occupied with business Dealings. You can reduce it by plan it properly.

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How to plan a Business Trip in India

Take a flight tickets in such a way so that you reach India at least 1 or 2 days before your business appointment so that you can acclimatize yourself to Indian climate. You will definitely need a day of rest if you are travelling from far countries like US, Europe. Usually the business travel lasts for few days to maximum couple of weeks. So pack only the minimum clothes and 1 or 2 business suites.

Make sure you keep – Passport, Indian visa, Laptop with charger, Necessary documents for the business, Mobile phone with charger, Health kit with basic medicines, Camera, Business card etc.

Make a Hotel reservation in advance

Once the travel dates are confirmed, see if the company you are visiting are providing accommodation for you. If not, book a star hotel for the entire duration of the stay. If you are planning to visit only one company, then book the hotel which is near to the company. Otherwise book the hotel located in the centre of the city so that you can easily go to all places. Hotel must be with basic facilities like phone, Internet, Laundry, refrigerator, microwave oven etc as you will need them definitely.

Carry medical vaccination it required

Consult with your doctor and take all the precautionary vaccinations even if you travel only for a week. Get suggestion from him about a good insect repellent cream and buy
that also as mosquitoes and other insects are common in India. Women wear salwar kameez (shirt) or saris. You can also wear formal shirt and pant.

Planning for meeting

Don’t plan too many meetings on a single day as it will make you exhausted and reduce the energy level. Also don’t plan for a meeting very early as it is difficult for people to come amidst heavy traffic. Even though Indians may not be punctual always, you try your best to be always on time.

What to eat and avoid during Business trip in India

You have to be very careful with Indian food especially on a business trip because you may not be habitual to eat spicy food as any small problem with your health will affect your business. Drink only distilled or mineral water. Also make sure that the water bottle is in fully sealed condition. Avoid street food as much as possible but India is also very famous for its street food so we recommend you to eat from good shop which maintain hygiene. Always try to eat hot and freshly cooked food. Avoid eating spicy and oily food. If Indian food does not suit you, eat bread with milk.

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Reserve a day for sightseeing

Don’t forget to reserve a day for local sightseeing. Engage a taxi by your hotel and see all attractions in the city you stay. Need to be extra careful while crossing the road because in India pedestrians are not given the same importance as in western countries and traffic violations are very common. Also there may not be a pedestrian side walk in majority of the roads.

Attending a Party on a business trip in India

At an Indian party, most socializing happens before dinner, and guests often leave immediately after dessert, which could be served as late as midnight.

Information and Guide

As you know India is a very big country with full of different culture and languages so it is recommended to get a travel guide on a free day so you will understand some fact about India which may help you in future. 

Weather of India

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March to June Hot weather, July and August are rainy season, August and September Humid and October till February Winter.

Business Trip to India

For more details please contact us @ Call – +919711973836, +918800971196,  BELLAINDIATOURS.IT, BELLAINDIATOURS.ES, BELLAINDIATOURS.FR, BELLAINDIATOURS.COM,