Spiritual trip in India

Spiritual trip in India, India, the land of amazing culture, connected to deep spirituality through the eternal power of many divine souls and saints. Let’s explore it. Firstly, people across the world from different religious backgrounds believe that India has the
mystical power to heeling. Secondly, it has glorious past, rich culture, and
different religious centers which attract people to seek divinity. Thirdly, religious
gurus like Buddha, Mahavira and many others had spread the message of service
to all living creatures.

In addition, India is the country of Ayurveda, a congenital curative and lifestyle method which cures people naturally. India, the land of God has always answers for any questions related to the hidden truth of life, power of mind, mysticism and Indian scriptures such as Upanishads, Purans etc. It has a great contribution to spiritualism. It has some amazing places where one can understand the meaning of spirituality. Let’s explore spiritual trip in India.

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Varanasi, A spiritual trip in India

It is the one of the religious city of India, your visit to India is incomplete without visiting Varanasi. This city is mainly famous for three reasons. Firstly, Varanasi is the cultural gems of the country and it has an elaborate history and high importance in Hindu mythology. Secondly, this is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world
with many religious places where devotees coming from across the world. Thirdly, it is the place for moksha or Liberation.

Moreover, this is a perfect place for spiritual learning. Once you join the evening ceremony at various ghats, you will come to know the real meaning of spiritualism. In short, it is difficult to explain but easy to understand if you be the witness of that moment. In conclusion, It is a must visit place in India.

Spiritual city , Rishikesh

Rishikesh is also a nice city of north India, which is situated at the bank of holly river Ganges. It is most important part of Indian culture because many Indian come here to studying yoga and meditation from last uncountable centuries. Temples and ashrams (centers for spiritual studies) are everywhere in Rishikesh. There are three things to keep in mind if you are travelling to rishikesh. Firstly, this city is alcohol-free. Secondly, it is completely vegetarian and finally, no animal killing here. 

Moreover, Meditating at the banks of the holy river mother Ganges and breathing fresh air in the Serene mountains of Himalaya is a dream of many yogis. The presence of
spirituality, the Majestic Mountains and the Holy River Ganges make Rishikesh an ideal destination for yoga and spirituality. There are many Ashrams for learning Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Yoga Philosophy, and Meditation.

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The beautiful town of Bodh Gaya is situated in state of Bihar, peaceful ambience with temples and monasteries. Buddhism is the religion of kindness and empathy and equality. It gave to the world a teacher, leader and philosopher. He is none other than Gautama Buddha.

It marks the beginning of his journey that would shape the course of Buddhism. Bodh Gaya now is part of UNESCO Heritage Site. This 2,500 years old birthplace of Buddhism which welcome visitors from all across the world to soak in its spiritual vibes, retrace the footsteps of Lord Buddha and understand his philosophies at the place where he attained nirvana (enlightenment).

The devotees visit the city throughout the year, Monks in saffron robes walk around the monuments and temples and chants prayers every day. In addition, Prince Siddhartha, who later became Lord Buddha, is said to have found a quiet retreat under the most hallowed spot here, the Bodhi tree, where he meditated till the attainment of enlightenment. However, the ancient city of Bodhgaya holds a special significance in Hinduism. Gaya is mentioned in the great epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Moreover, it is also said to be the place where Lord Rama, with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, came to offer pind dan (an offering to ancestors during Hindu funeral rites) for their father Dashratha.

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Spiritual trip in India

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