About India
India represents to the whole world “Unity in Diversity”. It is a mixture of cultures, traditions, diversity in food, regions, languages, etc. Indian people are very polite, helping and understanding in nature. However, this is so incredible and is full of colors. Peacock is the national bird and tiger as its national animal, hockey is the national game and Jan Gun Man is the national anthem etc. In addition, the national language of India is Hindi. Indians are so talented and have shown very high growth in many sectors. Moreover, the I.T. sector of India shows accelerating huge growth regarding intelligent software engineers.

About India as a country
We India are the seventh-largest country according to its geographical area. The amazing beauty surrounds our country from each and every aspect. India is popular as ‘’ Bharat and Hindustan’’. A country has millions differences but still united. It is the largest Democratic country in the world, where people themselves choose their leader and live with freedom. In addition, they can do anything whatever they wish, but within the limits of the government law. However, if anyone tries to harm any other person, there are certain rules and regulations to punish them in order to make realize their mistake.
In short, it is an incredible country because of its awesome beautiful mountains, forests, seas, lakes, oceans, etc. In conclusion, thousands of foreigners each year visit India to explore the beauty, culture, rich traditions, historical temples and its heritage etc.
Different regions of India
Northern Region
It is a big country as we all know, so basically it can be visited or divided in to parts North and South. North has the most incredible thing of the world that is The Himalayas which is the highest mountain in the world. This region also has amazing Kashmir covered with hills and mountains, Unseen Kerala. It also consists of near states which is mainly known as the land of Lord Krishna, The land of Rama etc. The city Agra has one of the wonders of the world ‘’Tajmahal’’. Millions of people come to visit this beautiful monument of love across the world.
Southern Region
This is the “Land of spices”. It is famous for its festivals, food, culture, tradition, peace, yoga, Ayurveda and languages. It is famous for its rice dishes. There are some amazing cities like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Madurai, Munnar, Manglore, Banglore and Karnataka,
Eastern Region
The east part of India got some awesome cities like West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha etc. The capital of West Bengal is Kolkata and it is a metropolitan city. This is the third’s largest city of India. In short, it is Popular for its sweet dishes and festival. However, it is also famous for Ashrams and jolly nature of local people.
Western Region
The West region of the India is really incredible, because it is covering with sands, sea and deserts. In addition, it covers some of Gujarat, and Maharashtra. This is particularly famous for culture, the local language, the amazing traditions and diversity in clothes. However, there many things to explore like Wildlife, national parks, monuments, old houses and tribes.
culture and religion
Indian culture is among the world’s oldest civilization in India, started about 4,500 years ago. India has 29 states with different culture, civilizations. It is one of the most populated and busiest countries in the world. Indian culture is popular as a mixture of many various cultures. In addition, India is the place which originates famous religions Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism and other religions. They are now collectively famous as
Indian religions. Nowadays, Hinduism and Buddhism are the third and the fourth-largest religions of the world. However, India is a secular Hindu-majority country. it
has a large numbers Muslim population as well.
India, being a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, celebrates holidays and festivals of various religions. Major festivals include Diwali, Holi, Ganesh, Navratri, Rath yatra, etc are there round the year.
Indian food is cosmopolitan that has many ingredients. It is as diverse as India culture. Indian recipes uses numerous ingredients, deploy a wide range of food preparation styles, culinary presentation and cooking techniques. Thus the tastes of same food like salads, sauces, vegetables, meat, desserts vary from region to region.
India has many amazing landscape. If you love to explore mountain or trekking and camping then travel to Leh and laddak, Munnar, South India, Kerala, Periyar and Goa. In addition, The best part of this country is that you will never feel boring because it has all like plain, mountain, rivers, Desert and Sea. However, if you want desert the explore Rajasthan and for sea the best place is Goa and Kerala. There are many
more things to explore, so just pack your bag and contact us @ Bella India Tour, Bella India Tours.it for amazing Tour packages. We are happy to help you.
About India
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