Ganesha Chaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular festivals of India which is dedicated to lord Ganesha. It is the most awaited festival of India and people of India wait for the whole year for it eagerly. However, it is celebrated everywhere in the country, but in the state of Maharashtra it is celebrated with enthusiasm and energy. Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival, which has importance in the Hindu religion. According to the Hindu Mythology, which says that Ganesh Chaturthi is the birthday of the Lord Ganesh and it believes that he as the remover of all obstacles. People believe that Lord Ganesh comes every year to everyone’s home and brings prosperity and success. Moreover, Ganesh Chaturthi brings joy all over the country and unites people for celebrations.

Rituals of this festival
This festival is celebrated for 11 days. It begins on the Chaturthi (Indian Calendar) when people make the statue of Lord Ganesha with hard mud in their homes and temples. However, this festival ends on Anant Chaturdashi (14thday) with Ganesh Visarjan in the flowing river. In addition, the followers of the Lord Ganesh offer their prayers early morning and evening just after sunset but not after 7:00pm. They sing many devotional songs for lord and recite mantras in his praise. Most importantly, they offer some traditional sweets to Lord Ganesh because everyone believes that Ganesh loves sweets.
Moreover, this sweet especially calls ‘Modak’ (A yellow round ball of sweet). Actually, modaks are sweet dumplings which people make with a filling of coconut, fried chick peas and jaggery. Usually, they are around the image of Lord Ganesh and are popular amongst children.
Celebration of Ganesha Chaturthi
On 11th day begins a festive atmosphere with people getting up in the morning and bathing in the river. However, most of the people buy new clothes and wear it early in the morning just after bathing. Then begin the traditional rituals of chanting mantras and religious songs. In early days, it was celebrated in among few families only but later
on, it spreads all over India. In addition, everyone started making and the installation of idols at home and immersion in the flowing water.
According to the Indian mythology, the idol immersion indicates freedom from sufferings and evil spirits. People set up tents to make glorious statues of Lord Ganesh. Later starts the end of the festival after the visarjan (idol immersion). People carry out a full procession on the street. Everyone dance until they reach their way to the rivers or oceans. After the end of Ganesh Chaturthi festival, all pray for the
return of Lord Ganesh next year. Â
In conclusion, Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival of religious values in honour of Lord Ganesh. Everyone all over India thoroughly enjoy it and forgetting their differences of caste and color. Basically, it spreads joy and unites people all over.
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Ganesha Chaturthi
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