Independence day of India
Independence Day is the most memorable and important day in the Indian history. On every 15th August of every year we celebrate this day with joy and happiness. It’s the day on which the Indian got its independence after a long struggle of 200 years. India has three national festivals or holidays that are, the Republic Day (26th January), the Independence Day (15th August), and Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October). After independence in the year 1947 India became the largest democracy of the world. We fought almost 100 years very hard to get our independence. So, let’s start discussing the history and importance of Independence Day.
From the last almost two centuries Britishers ruled over India and sub-continent. The citizen of these countries suffered a lot due to these oppressors. The officials were treating people like slaves until they succeed to fight back against them for liberty. Everyone struggled for our independence tirelessly and selflessly under the guidance of leaders like Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh and Chandra Shekhar Azad. Some of these leaders were very calm and some of them were aggressive. But both had only one goal ‘’Liberty’’. Both Movenment were successful violence and non-violence. But the ultimate aim of this was to feel the liberty and live peacefully in the country. Finally, on 15th August 1947, after a long way of 200 years the dream came true of all Indians.
Why we celebrate
It is the moment to relive our independence day and to enjoy the spirit of freedom, we celebrate the Independence Day. There are some other reasons as well. Firstly, to remember the sacrifices and lives we have lost in this struggle. We celebrated this day to remember that this freedom that we enjoy is earned through the hard way. Secondly, the celebration wakes up the patriot inside us. Thirdly, along with celebration, the young generation is acquainted with the struggles of the people who lived at that time.
Activities on independence day
It’s a national holiday for all Indians, so people celebrate it with great enthusiasm. Most of the education institutes like Schools, universities, offices, societies, and colleges celebrate this day by distributing sweets and fruits. In many schools, there are some cultural and traditional events take places and organizing various activities. Every year at Red Fort in Delhi, the Prime Minister of India host the national flag and deliver a speech. On this occasion 21 gunshots are fired. The school and colleges organize also host the Indian flag and organize, fancy dress competitions, debate, speeches and quiz competition.This day is also popular for flying kites. A huge crowd
gathered in the parks and enjoy flying kites.
Importance of this day
Every Indian has a different viewpoint about this Independence. Some people reminder it as the long struggle for freedom, while youngsters feel the glory and honor of our country. Moreover, we can see the patriotism waves across the country. Indian’s celebrate this Day with a feeling of patriotism and nationalism. India is a very diverse country but still united because of this kind of occasion because on this day we forget all differences like religion and hug each other. Â
Independence day of India.
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