Photography trip in India

Travelling is all about feeling the beauty of the destination and clicking some amazing pictures to keep memories for future. Photography trip in India is the best way to enjoy a memorable trip. Let’s understand why firstly, there are various types of photography trip in India, which complement many diverse views of the country. Secondly, from spiritual to cultural photography and tribal to wildlife photography these all will
definitely make your trip successful. Thirdly, the best part about photography trip in India is to experience and capture the different cultures, traditions, faces, cuisines and much more. 

It is full of different colors, nature, dress, food, religion, monument etc. Because you will be travelling with a tour guide, so you have a chance to explore and interact with the local people. If the nature will delight you than take wildlife and bird sanctuaries tour around the country.



If you a lover of wildlife photography than, India is the best destination for you because it is considered a hub of wildlife and national parks. For example, there are around 450 wildlife sanctuaries, 45 tiger reserves and 18 biosphere reserves. In addition, wildlife
photography trip in India allows you to experience of clicking high motion pictures of wild animals and capturing the scenic beauty of the Indian Forests. In conclusion, a perfect tour for wildlife photography starts from 15 to 20 days according to your preferred location. 

Cultural photography

India is an amazing county for cultural photography. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, it has many beautiful cities and village, where you can enjoy cultural photography .Secondly, there are some amazing India cities and states like Rajasthan, Varanasi, Haridwar, Madurai, Agra and Kerala and many more. Thirdly, India celebrates many traditional festivals like Diwali , Holi, Durga puja, Krishna Janmasthami. On
these occasions one can click amazing pictures and can make some unforgettable

In addition, if you really want explore India you needs at least 20 to 30 days because of distant location of Indian cities. These cities have magical environment with will amaze you and attract you to stay more and more. In short, Words are not enough to explain the beauty of Indian culture, because India is a destination to feel.


Fort and monument photography in India

India has many fort and historical monuments to explore. State of Rajasthan is one of the premium destinations of India. It is well known for its forts, palaces and dunes, which offer diverse sights, magnificent forts and cultural inheritance. During the photography trip in India you are going to visit some amazing cities like Delhi, Agra, Jaipur etc because during this tour you will catch the culture, heritage sites, landscapes, old villages, fort interiors and other structures and monuments. You can get the opportunity to stay in palaces which are now serves as a hotel.

However there are many other cities to explore in Indian but If you really want an unforgettable trip you must visit south India as well because it is completely different from North India and it has different culture and traditions.

Culinary photography in India

India is a unique county for food lovers and Indian spice lovers. It has amazing cuisines, spices, cooking methods and old cooking style with new experiments. You will never feel boring if we talk about Indian food. Indian people love both cooking and eating because of its ancient tradition of spices. They serve food with love and passion. 

In addition, during your photography trip in India, You will have cooking classes, Different types of food testing, learning about Indian food and visits of some traditional places. However each class includes cooking Indian meals and the food presentations. Moreover you will also learn about the best ingredients and spices with detail about how to make a perfectly traditional and wonderfully innovative Indian meal. 


Photography trip in India

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