Indian Visa

Indian visa, Getting Indian e-visa is a very easy process. There are some very easy steps, which will definitely help you to get your e-visa.

1 Go on Website Indian Government Visa.

2 keep your passport and 2 passport size photo (with white back ground)(you can take with mobile as well)( passport must have validity for 6 month from the date of Travel.

3 Click on Apply here for e-visa Indian Government Visa

4 There are module 1, 2, 3, fill all detail step by step.

5 Then upload your passport copy and then photograph.

indian visa , visa for india
indian visa , visa for india

Important steps

6 After keeping all information on portal it will generate an ID for you, please save the ID and Password and the go on Payment page (Which is next step by using credit card or Debit card.)Before doing payment check all information so make sure it’s correct. Because once you pay the amount it is nonrefundable.

7 The e-visa fee is approximately, 82 USD or 90 EUR (Please check at the time of payment.)

8 Once you have done the payment take a printout or a screen shot of it and keep with you for future.

9 You will get the Indian e-visa in next 72 Hours (Except Saturday and Sunday)

10 You will get your e-visa by mail, so please check your mail and once you get it take a printout and check all information are correct and keep it with the travelling document.

11 you can also check the status on the same Website .It is a good check status because sometime when you get e-visa by mail your photograph is missing there or not proper mentioned. But when you go on status then you will find it is correct so please take a printout of that one.

12 Most important you need to be a bit fast while filling the e-visa form because if you are slow the page will collapse and it will not work so be a bit fast and use Google Browser. If the pages collapse please   don’t worry because you can create ID as many time as possible, but do payment only once and make sure information are correct. 

indian visa
indian visa

Indian Visa

For more details please contact us @ (, Whatsapp o Call – +919711973836, +918800971196,  BELLAINDIATOURS.IT, BELLAINDIATOURS.ES, BELLAINDIATOURS.FR, BELLAINDIATOURS.COM,